Ban Appeal for Argnflux handed down by Banpotio

Byond Account: Argnflux
Character Name(s): Chad Coochie
Discord Name (ie: Name#1234): None
Round ID of Ban: 15913
Ban Message (Gyazo/imgur or copy and paste): 

State your appeal: I have three accusations against me, I will address them in chronological order.

Firstly, an accusation of ERP. I do not remember the context, but I do remember me and a lot of the crew were essentially “Roasting” another player, one of us mentioned something along the lines of him not having a girlfriend, and I said " Go get some bitches on ya dick". This was taken as ERP, and although I get why it is, I feel as though this should have been left out of the ticket and not been a part of my history on Fulp. I did not intend for it to be meant in a sexual manner, nor did I realise at the time that I could get in trouble for talking like that. I feel like it should have been left as a warning, because I genuinly did not know. I have not spoken like this since that bwoink. Second, I had a character named “Cornbread Kyle”. He was a black man with an afro. Although this is crude, I am Angolian, my mom moved to North America from Angola and I make these kinds of jokes with my friends all the time, so when making the character I didn’t really think about that too much. I understand that you can’t verify someone’s race so this was a fair warning and I get it. I have not used this character since. I then made a new character, “Chad Coochie”. This is also a crude name and to be honest I think it isnt even that funny at all so I am gonna change it. But, as Chad I went up to another lawyer and said “something something my n-word”. Once again, this is just something I do with my friends so I didn’t really think much of it in the moment. all these circumstances I feel were slips of the mind, I never had any malicious, racist or sexual intent involved in any of these circumstances. I do apologize to the admins I might have offended with my comments, I just wasn’t really thinking.
For this forum post, I also went backed and looked at some of the server rules. Looking at the ERP rule, it says this: " Sexual content is strictly prohibited. This includes content like photos/websites/Erotic Role Play (ERP) and applies to the server, Discord, and forums. Sending unsolicited sexual content to another player via direct messages will also result in a ban". I believe my comment deemed ERP does not fall into this category, even with the expectation to follow the rules as intended, not literally.
But considering the rest of my allegations, I do understand why I was given them and as a server you shouldnt be letting those slide. I do want to continue on this server and due to the fact that no malicious intent was involved in those comments, I believe my perma ban should be removed but I completely understand and accept a time based ban.
Once again, sorry if I have offended anyone with my words, I did not have the intent. Thank you

Also I do not yet have a discord account, do I need to get one in order for my ban appeal to go through?

This perma ban was applied correctly. I spoke to you previously about being named “Cornbread Kyle”. I was lenient and only removed you from the round instead of a ban. However, leniency seemed to not have worked at all, and it shouldn’t take a perma ban for you to realize that we have rules that you need to actually abide by to continue playing here. We have neither the means nor the desire to keep tabs on who is and isn’t allowed to say the n word and it’s not like blanket bans on it aren’t common. Your failure to read the rules after being warned was your choice, and your behavior seems much more befitting an LRP server.

TL;DR this was placed correctly and can be appealed in a month. Denied.