Byond Account: Hajduk
Character Name(s): Grendel Howe (The name might be wrong i apologize)
Discord Name (ie: Name#1234): Hedemod #1048
Round ID of Ban: 16014
Ban Message (Gyazo/imgur or copy and paste): Banned by host: You, or another user of this computer or connection (Hajkduk) is banned from playing here. The ban reason is: Round ID: 16014 Requesting Staff Member: TheA1ternative Rules Broken: Core2, Core3 Reason: Ontop of trying to powergame with security gear and other equipment that would be labelled as contraband (again), you made countless inappropriate sexual comments regarding molesting players, ordering them to strip naked for you
and constantly demanding you be able to remove their foreskin numerous times. Appeal on the forums if you want to play here again: This ban (BanID #21166) was applied by Guillaume Prata on 2021-08-04 10:09:28 during round ID 16016. This is a permanent ban.
State your appeal: Before i start writing this appeal i sincerely ask anybody reading this to take their time, and a deep breath just as i did before writing this because the ban reason is lengthy and severely provoking in a sense of accusations made.
I would also like to politely ask if it would be possible for me to get a copy of the round chat logs so that i could point out some moments and clarify them if necessary because of the severity of accusations made.
I would like to start by breaking this ban up into two halves because it is easier for me to respond in such way. First half is the part that accuses me of breaking the Core 2 rules which confine Malicious acts: such as griefing, metagaming, etc. Personally to be honest i don’t know how i broke the rules here but my assumption is that it has to do with me ordering the PDWs alongside their ammo with defence budget from cargo. In the note again i assume that is the item in question labeled as contraband because i did not use any traitor exclusive items or anything else that is out of reach of security. I may be wrong here but i am sure that this part will be clarified for me in response so i thank the person writing the response in advance.
Now the second part of the ban that accuses me of breaking the Core 3 values. This has really personally shaken me up and i am not making this up. This in itself is probably of no significance to the reader and they have no reason to believe me either as i just as well might be making all of this up. But i want to point out how deeply it hit me. This is because these rules confine sexual content such as, photos, websites, Erotic Role Play which i cant imagine myself neither doing or being accused of doing. As such this is the most important part of this appeal to me as it envelops the most severe rule and morally breaking thing one could possibly do. Here i again ask you to take a big breath and focus and try to believe me because of the severity of accusation in question. Regarding the first part about sexual comments to be honest i do not remember the contents of messages that i sent and that is why i asked for a copy of chat logs if possible so that i count further clarify some moments for you if you find it necessary. But i am sincerely telling you the reader that i had no malicious intentions when i wrote anything to anybody. Everything i said was said jokingly and in not in a single moment was i being serious with a bad intention. Second part especially bothers me because it accuses me because i only jokingly asked the AI over radio to strip naked because of the sole besides it being a joke, that its not possible (It is a machine) . I did not go on streaks asking random players to strip naked for me i repeat i did no such thing.
This covers the both halves of my ban appeal but there are some things i want to add. First of all to be honest with you the reader, this is the ban appeal that put the most effort in ever within my capabilities as an non native English speaker and still i feel like it can not envelop my current emotions and how hard this crashed onto me. Even if i made many mistakes in this appeal everything i did do that round was done jokingly and i repeat with no malicious intent. I would like the reader to consider another thing which shakes me up even more and that is the reception of this ban, as somebody pointed out to me these bans are publicly visible on CentCom across all servers which means that any other bans across other servers could be and very possibly would be impacted by this ban which with its choice of words and formatting makes me look like an Child Molester which just totally grosses me out. It makes me look like the worst of the worst even though i am light years away from that. I ask the reader to review this carefully and to read it multiple times if they have to because of its such importance to me. I do not want to be viewed as an maniac across the community of SS13 by any future admins or players that stumble upon my ban logs.
I am most likely guilty of the Core 2 Rule breaks. But in no way am i of the Core 3 Rule breaks. I totally accept the ban that covers the Core 2 but i ask Fulp Admins to please revisit the second part and if possible to please remove it from ban logs for all the reasons listed in the entirety of this ban appeal.
This was the ending point for me and i have decided to make large break from ss13 completely. But i cant leave unburdened with accusations like this. I hope that i was able to at least slightly prove my disgust with Core rule 3 breaks in general and i thank you the reader for taking your time to read through my appeal.