Byond Account: Null0
Character Name(s): Rose Strider, M.A.M.A
Discord Name (ie: Name#1234): Oracle!#7434
Round ID of Ban: 16405
Ban Message (Gyazo/imgur or copy and paste): Banned from Roles: felinid permanently - Rules broken: RP Expectations Weird felinid RP, 1/3 of your say logs should not just be “meow” and “nya”. Feel free to appeal if you can learn to talk normally.
State your appeal: I enjoy playing felinids very much as i find them to be the most aesthetically appealing race. I am capable of playing one without having it be my characters sole defining trait, and i will not do the cat puns gimmick again, as its unwanted and annoying. Thanks for putting up with my nonsense and maintaining a semi-serious atmosphere aboard the server.