Why is there no roleplaying on fulp

But shouldn’t that be part of the roleplay though if they do a perfect job of lowering your guard then you should just well lower your guard there isn’t any real reason as to why we Security should win every encounter right?
If you know you’re clearly better and robust than them shouldn’t you just let them beat you once in a while so it makes for interesting turn of events?
What do we actually lose when dying in game?

Same question man, but the most logical explanation is Fulp being Beginner Friendly.
I seen alot of OOC in IC and also memes, not like I dislike memes but this still breaks immersion.

Fulp RP definition is quote on quote:

Aka “Just do your job”
(Which is stupid, because doesn’t LRP is “Just do your job”?)

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I think these are more of role-play expectations and not so much a guideline. They want fulp to be accessible and open to beginners while at the same time enforcing a loose standard for people to follow

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It still would’ve been more logical to use definition LRP

LRP is more like go engineer, never do any engineering work, go around maints with a spear and stolen sec gear looking for antags

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This sounds more like a NRP


To answer this a little more seriously and reiterate some of the points other people have made, you need to actually seek out RP opportunities. If you’re not setting the scene for it, so to speak, you can’t really expect a great RP round to just fall into your lap.

jokes aside, roleplay is strictly forbidden. any caught role playing will be permanently banned.

fulp should go back to being lrp so i can tide into any department like if u agree


This is actually true. When I play sec I mostly follow Law and SOP’s, so when someone breaks law I don’t go stun and handcuff that person, I seek more polite way. Just saying “Halt!” and asking to go into a brig or just making a citation with a fine. Although because of that I once couldn’t catch a bloodsucker, although he stopped when I said “Halt” lmao.


Halt! You violated the law!

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I think its mostly due to a lack of reward for roleplaying and the server itself being begineer friendly.

For example it can be fun roleplaying as a captain or a security officer however as others mentioned if you roleplay as one of these roles you simply put your guard down then a antag can and will get the jump on you.

Also its very hard for people to roleplay when you got newbies every now and then who want to figure out the basics of the game first then roleplay later.


Most of the time you either have to find the other people who will play along, or you play along with others. Not everyone is interested in your antics all the time.

I got the chaplains play along a couple of times, after I rainbowed into the eldritch creature and pretended to be the speaking altar. They were great apostles. Even spilled blood in my name and found believers. Ate a fugu gland when they did and came back claiming that my powers has grown. Was a silly fun shift.

You can create situations where you can mentor someone in game while role playing.

Think about being a blind doc with a intern doc that describes the status of the patient (say use your (insert key) muscle) Or just use a pai instead in the case there are seemingly no new players, that may too be someone new to medic.

You could be a chef that hires a intern assistant and makes them a waiter which is one way to make the player learn about how to play the game.

As per antag hunting you while roleplaying, well, try playing roles that doesnt involve antag activity? The world is your oyster.

this is really good advice for enjoying the game more, thanks!

All My attempts to roleplay have fallen fowl of my slow typing speed. Especially with Antags who see I’m typing and take advantage of my brief lack of control.

Edit: Except this one time a Antag returned to the scene of the crime while I was sweeping for Prints as Detective and I managed to stick him up with my revolver while calling for backup. He tried to jump me despite being warned I would shoot if he moved and he dropped with the 1 bullet. I then cuffed him and dragged him to medical to get patched up. Annoyingly he escaped his cuffs while in medical and I can’t remember if Regular Sec caught up to him.
Still one of my favourite recent moments.

80% of Fulp RP interactions I have go along the lines of “I need this thing, get me this thing” or, “let me in to your department to do your work I’m totally not an antag tehe”, or “how do I do this?” though the last one isn’t really an issue since mentoring someone often leads to more roleplay.

Security gameplay is just as discussed above, a lot of players will as antag, see that speech bubble come up next to an officer’s head and think “wow, free loot yes please!” or even start a conversation on a false premise to get that couple of seconds to get an advantage, this leads to paranoia that people who don’t play security don’t understand. Some players see roleplay as something to be taken advantage for in game benefit rather than something to make the game more enjoyable and less repetitive, but that comes with it being a new player server and people wanting to get proficient at the game.

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