7loo9 ban reappeal

Byond Account: 7loo9
Character Name(s): Sal Xiao
Discord Name (ie: Name#1234): Sal8705
Round ID of Ban: 24444

Ban Message (Gyazo/imgur or copy and paste): https://forum.fulp.gg/uploads/default/original/2X/1/1a66577d65d525214ce7949a6463042fd3958729.png

State your appeal: I would like to apologize for my previous ban re-appeal. Im not very familiar with this and this is the first time i get banned from a server. I understand that i have previously broke the server rule by exploiting a bug and i fully understand my mistake. I also understand that if my ban appeal gets accepted my account will receive a permanent ban the next time i break a rule. I apologize for the mistake made and i can assure you that no rules will be broken. I actually miss so many people in the server. I met alot of good people over time and its been a while since i visited fulpstation

I will greatly appreciate if you accept my ban appeal. I would love to play again in fulpstation :)

Apologies again and excuse my language!

Thank you for taking the time to write an actual appeal. It’s been 6 months, so I am accepting your appeal with the understanding that your account is watchlisted, and you will be put back on perma ban if there is another similar incident. You should be able to connect next round. If not, please let me (or another admin) know.