Do YOU like doing paperwork? Are you a general form enthusiast? Perhaps you lavish in wasting the time of others or just want to enhance your roleplay experience? Need something to do as a lawyer, keep receipts of access as Head of Personnel? Well, I’ve got the guide for you right here! At the end of the guide I’ll be posting some of my premade layouts for you to use!
PAPERWORK! The foundation of a STRONG bureaucratic station. This here guide will explain to you how paperwork… works and how to make some SNAZZY pieces of paper yourself! Give it a try, your fellow crewmates will appreciate it! …and probably do their signature wrong…
First thing’s first, I bet you’re asking some questions! Like “How do I even begin to format a paper?” “What can I even do?” “Where the fuck do I GET paper?!” Well, calm down dear reader, I’ll show you! Keep your pen close and observe closely!
So, you need a piece of paper and a writing utensil! You can use the standard pen that’s found in your PDA by CTRL + CLICKing your PDA and using that on a piece of paper in front of you or in your opposite hand, or go find a crayon, or even a fountain pen! All these different writing tools will appear differently on the paper. You can even read the mime’s writing from their crayon if you highlight it with your mouse! (Not shown below)
Usually I like to start off most of my papers with a large header! It catches the reader’s attention, and it let’s them know what it’s about. You can do this by putting a “#” and a space afterword in the beginning of the line. one # will be the largest, and 6 #'s will make it the smallest!
While editing
“But I want it to be in the center of the paper! It has to be lined up!” Yes, yes dear reader! I understand, and I will show you how! You can center any line of text by doing this trick here:
If you put at the beginning and
at the end of any line of text (following some other mark-up symbols such as # for headers) you’ll center anything like so:
While editing
Some other things you might want to consider for your paper are things like italics and BOLD or even BOTH, maybe you want to have a strikethrough or something!
While editing
You can put *, ~, or ` at the beginning and end of any word, or entire sentence to really give some emphasis on something you want! You can even combine all of them if you’d like!
Put them together even for an interesting header!
While editing
Alright, well now that you’ve gone through the basic training of being a bureaucratic RAT… I think you’re ready for the more advanced stuff at-hand!
You can add some fancy horizontal lines across your paper to really break the title, header, or sections apart and give it a little more structure! You can do so by putting three dashes, like —, on it’s own line by itself like this:
Before editing
After editing
For the people who really like to make lists or make a point to give people tasks or mention a few things, you might enjoy this next section! Bulleted and numerical lists, along with to-do lists! You can make a bulleted list by starting of a line with - and make a subsection by putting two spaces and a - in the next line, the same is true for numerical lists, like so:
While editing
Some of you might want to have a form or piece of paper for people to fill out information on, like a questionnaire, a legal document, something even like an access request form! Well, this is going to be your dream! You can make spaces for people to fill by typing [_] That’s square brackets with underscores in the middle. You can make the blank space bigger by putting more underscores! Just like this:
While editing
The yellow highlighted spaces are places where players can click and type to fill in whatever they want! It’ll match the text of the pen they are using to fill it in with, so make sure they have one. You can even tell them to figure out how to do their DAMN signature by just typing %s anywhere, or writing it, like this:
While previewing
Then save it…!
After saving and previewing
And voila! The special thing about signatures is that nobody can copy yours or anybody else’s! It’s unique to each person, the font used signifies that it’s a proper signature and authenticates that you’re the person who wrote it down! Chameleon be gone!
Finally, just for fun you can even make little to-do lists just for aesthetical reasons since you can’t really X out each tab, but maybe you want to have one to look at just for fun? Hell, you can make your own using those aforementioned empty spaces and making a bulleted list anyway! But if you’re curious on how to do a to-do list, behold:
While editing
(Note you CANNOT edit to-do lists, but you can make blank spaces with [_] and a bulleted list with - as a substitute to make a real one!)
And that my dear reader just about does it! That’s everything you need to know about writing on paper. I hope that this guide has taught you a thing or two, and if anything, you know how to do your FUCKING SIGNATURE at least! You can combine many of these techniques together and make a ROBUST forum to use at your disposal! Use it for books, throw that piece of paper in the copier and make copies, use it on a clipboard to give it a tile and name, throw it in the folder or filing cabinet, whatever your heart’s content!
As I had mentioned, here are some of the premade layouts I’ve made for people to use freely as they see fit:
## <center>Access Request Form</center>
#### Full Name:
#### Request:
#### Reason for request:
### *Sign Below*
*I, The Head Of Personnel, hereby do declare this form offically documented and signed as per Nanotrasen policy dictates, and officate it as so with the stamp present on said document.*
*If your request is for the bathrooms, you do not need to request permission. Bathrooms are publicly available, please stop asking.*
# <center>Nanotrasen Official Acting Head of Staff Form</center>
#### <center>Personal Documentation</center>
-Full Name:
-Current Department:
-Current Position:
#### <center>Employee Screening</center>
-Have you ever been a Head of Staff or Acting Head of Staff before:
-Do you believe you understand responsibility with said position:
-Are you comfortable commanding your staff and demoting them:
*Sign below*
*Within signing this document you understand that you relinquish said position upon arrival of the head of your department, and that you will do so willingly and immediately. Furthermore, you understand that you are not to take what is to be considered "high risk" items from your position's locker unless in the situation is urgent and it is approved by the Captain or Acting Captain at the time. You understand that you are to only possess the headset and act as your duties entail.*
*I, The Head Of Personnel, hereby do declare this form offically documented and signed as per Nanotrasen policy dictates, and officate it as so with the stamp present on said document.*
# <center> Resignation Form </center>
##### <center> This form is to be filled out in the circumstance that a Nanotrasen employee wishes to resignate from their current position to either be demoted, or to fulfill another position aboard the station. </center>
* #### Name:
* #### Species:
* #### Age:
* #### Gender:
* #### Current Position:
* #### Desired Position (if applicable):
* #### Reason for Resignation:
*Sign below*
##### Employee: [___________________________]
##### Head of Personnel: [___________________________]
*I, The Head Of Personnel, hereby do declare this form offically documented and signed as per Nanotrasen policy dictates, and officate it as so with the stamp and signature present on said document.*
# <center>Cargo Request Form</center>
### <center>Name</center>
### <center>Job</center>
### <center>Request</center>
### <center>Reason</center>
*<center> Sign Below </center>*
# <center> Client Briefing Form </center>
##### <center> Paxton & Parkinson Legal </center>
### <center> General Information </center>
**Name:** [_________________________________]
**Species:** [______________________]
**Gender:** [______________]
**Age:** [_______]
### <center> Legal Information </center>
**Alledged Crime(s):** [_________________________________]
**Cont.** [_________________________________]
**Arresting Officer(s):** [_________________________________]
**Cont.** [_________________________________]
**Location of Arrest:** [_________________________________]
**Time of Arrest:** [_________________________________]
### <center> Legal Information Cont. </center>
**<center>Are you a member of any of the following factions?</center>**
- [__] Nanotrasen / Centcom
- [__] Syndicate / Affiliated
- [__] Wizard Federation
- [__] Other: [__________________________]
**<center>Do you have any cooperatives?</center>**
- [__] No
- [__] Yes: [__________________________]
**<center>Did you attempt to negotiate with security?</center>**
- [__] No
- [__] Yes
**<center>Did you cooperate with security during/after your arrest?</center>**
- [__] No
- [__] Yes
**<center>Did you leave any dangerous devices/traps aboard the station prior to your arrest?</center>**
- [__] No
- [__] Yes: [__________________________]
**<center>Have you killed any crew aboard the station prior to your arrest?</center>**
- [__] No
- [__] Yes: [__________________________]
**<center>Did you knowingly commit the crime(s) alledged against you?</center>**
- [__] No
- [__] Yes
**<center>In the case of an order of execution, what do you prefer to be your fate?</center>**
- [__] Lethal Injection
- [__] Laser Gun
- [__] Sliced Throat
- [__] Borgification (if possible)
- [__] Other: [__________________________]
**<center>Is there anything else that should be known that you wish to state relating to your crime(s), arrest, status, or other?</center>**
- [__] No
- [__] Yes: [__________________________]
##### *<center>Sign below</center>*
**Defendant:** [__________________________]
**Lawyer:** [__________________________]
*By signing this document you accept and understand that you accept any and all legal representation available by the signing lawyer at-hand; Any lies or deception written on this form are to be considered purgery and henceforth illegal. Finally, any and all information on this form is to be kept confidential by the signing lawyer and their firm unless specifically the Captain or Head of Personnel orders a subpoena.*
# <center>Psychological Evaluation Form</center>
#### <center>General Information</center>
##### Name: [___________________________________________]
##### Age: [____]
##### Gender: [_______]
##### Species: [_____________]
##### Job: [_________________]
#### <center>Psychological Preevaluation</center>
#### Does the patient suffer from:
##### *Current phobia?
##### *Physical conditions?
##### *Stressful work environment?
##### *Supermatter delamination related issues?
##### *Being a beefman?
#### <center>Psychological Evaluation</center>
#### <center>Final Evaluation</center>
*Signed by Psychologist:*
# <center>Psychologist Prescription Slip</center>
#### Patient [_____________________] is hereby is prescribed the following list of medications.
#### [____] units of [________________________]
Reason: [______________________________________]
#### [____] units of [________________________]
Reason: [______________________________________]
#### [____] units of [________________________]
Reason: [______________________________________]
#### [____] units of [________________________]
Reason: [______________________________________]
#### [_________________________________________________]
Reason: [______________________________________]
Patient Signature:
Psychologist Signature:
Chief Medical Officer Signature:
*This prescription is hereby approved by the psychologist and, if possible, the current or acting Chief Medical Officer on deck, proven by the signature and/or stamp on this form.*
*Please take your prescriptions responsibly and do not hand them out to other crew members. Do not overdose on your prescription(s). Side effects may occur, if they do, please seek medical help. In the event of death, gods help your soul. The psychologist who issued said prescription bears no responsibility in the event of death. Do not seek legal counsel or authorities. Your prescription and evaluation may or may not be Nanotrasen approved.*