Byond Account: banement
Character Name(s): Altjira XC
Discord Name: sonicdragolgo
Round ID: 32426
Date: 06/06/2024
Griefer IC name: Bennett Sidian
Griefer Byond account (if known): KingStonefish
What happened:
TLDR: Captain refused to secure disk, I briefly arrested him for dereliction to secure it myself, he spends the rest of the round malding.
Bennett Sidian was HOP turned acting captain. At some point, the captain said he was going to go mining in his Clarke mech. I asked where the disk was, and he said he ‘hid it’. Hiding the disk is not securing it. He was refusing to grab the disk, and refused to hand it to anyone else as there was no other command. AI let me get a pinpointer to locate the disk, and I found it pointing to HOP’s locker.
Bennett said I “stole the pinpointer” and tried to disable me. He ran out of the HOP office and then I arrested him. I didn’t tell him the crime, but it was for dereliction of command. After doing that, I grabbed his ID, took the disk from the locker, put his gun in the locker, and took him to brig to figure out what to do. On the way there, he was aggressive and insulted me many times, not that I care about it, it was really funny to me.
Got to brig, talked with Xin Lee who had just arrived. After he carried on exchanging some words to me, I eventually let him off cuffs but I hesitated as I didn’t trust him not to attack me straight afterwards. I gave his ID back, he said I was demoted and ran off. Came back, tried to get me to hand him my ID. I gave the disk to Xin as I needed to go to lavaland myself, and walked past the cap. He confronted me in cargo later about the same thing, we had a small fight but he ran off again. I went to lavaland to make a delivery of solars and food to what I thought was a hermit, but was actually two syndies. For going “AWOL”, the captain declared me a fugitive. I defected to the lavaland base and stayed there til round end.
Before the shuttle arrived, the BSA was built and captain tried to shoot me with the BSA. Somebody had put a GPS with my name on the station, so captain blew that up instead.
In OOC the next round, he said: