AI breaking laws

Byond Account: strom989
Character Name(s): Lucy Archibald
Discord Name: strom989
Round ID: 31691
Date: April 8th 2024
Griefer IC name: I.V.Y
Griefer Byond account (if known): Destrucktoid

What happened: AI was actively hunting some bb and heretics when their laws strictly forbid any kind of action that causes conflict
ill write the laws since i cant send more than 1 screenshot
their laws were

  1. Avoid provoking violent conflict between yourself and others.
  2. Avoid provoking conflict between others.
  3. Seek resolution to existing conflicts while obeying the first and second law

by calling out their location it is provoking violent conflict between security and the antags
Screenshot 2024-04-08 205001

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This has been handled. Thanks for the report!