Any one-off characters you did?

Characters that you made and played as for a single round (or 2).

Not a one-off by design, but I believe I had a moth character, Lacida Obscura, that I played all of one cook round with before scrapping them. It was a rather interesting round, because it was a character with space phobia on a station where the kitchen was in direct view of space. I got lucky enough to find a psychologist eager to RP it.

my halloween characters

Occasionally I try to play a blind lizard named loses-her-way specifically for the gimmick of losing my way.

Unfortunately it’s hard to conistently want to play rounds blind with how crippling it is but i had some fun moments, mainly involving insisting that i don’t need a mindshield during revs, getting beaten to death by revs who realise i can’t be converted, and laughing at anyone who wants to use a flash as a weapon.

If I was any good at lawyer RP i’d play that so i can have ‘blind justice’ but sadly I am not very a good lawyer

I don’t quite remember the whole name but Randal [Something], an anxious wreck of a character who was also an ethereal, the idea being they’d die and come back onto to then become nervous about what killed them. I stopped after realizing just HOW annoying anxiety is as a trait.

Tried to rp a grumpy old man named Old Boone in a wheelchair it was kind of fun

captain named Lethargic Larry who spent the entire shift gaming, drinking and eating.