ArthilyScarlet/ArthurBRrs Ban Appeal

Byond Account: ArthilyScarlet
Character Name(s): Ryan Braun
Discord Name (ie: Name#1234): arthilyscarlet 
Round ID of Ban: 16742

Ban Message (Gyazo/imgur or copy and paste):
Captura de tela 2023-10-06 204251

State your appeal: It’s been two years as you can see in the screenshot, at the moment i was known as ArthurBRrs and i don’t remember my character’s name at that time, now that i’ve grown and returned to SS13 i understand what i did, at the time i was young and bored so i would just troll around and ignore my surroundings, i learned that the hard way so now i want to make things right.

I’m leaving the ban on your old account, but you should be able to log in with the new one. Please note that your new account has a watchlist, and any grief will result in you being placed back on a perma.