Assistant late joins near round end, start valid hunting, red texts a traitor

Byond Account: ChilliDogDave
Character Name(s): Dave (human AI)
Discord Name: Chilli Dog Dave
Round ID: 32624
Date: 26/06/2024
Griefer IC name: Carolina James

What happened: they late joined as assistant near the round end, proceeded to try gear up, then make arrests on random crew to bag check them and loot them, i show them my big brother PDA cause ai, proceeds to yell “get him he’s evil!” and tries to take me down so i shot at them in self defence since my laws as human ai allowed me yo ignore laws to preserve my life.

the traitor Arrhy Smith was red text because they looted all their gear.

did this patrol because if i recall it falls under valid hunting
image to prove red text, i witnessed them loot the items but it did not conflict with my laws
