Asskek - banned by Drackzo

Byond Account: asskek
Character Name(s): john smith
Discord Name (ie: Name#1234): don’t use discord anymore it’s for people who want to be spied on
Round ID of Ban: 10468.
Ban Message (Gyazo/imgur or copy and paste): As a non-antag chemist, you validhunted a traitor. They had attacked you earlier in the shift but it was valid for them to do so as you were ratting them out. When someone yelled “help at arrivals”, you went there with lethal syringes, without even knowing who it was, and proceeded to shoot the traitor, killing them.
State your appeal: Complete obfuscation of literally everything that happened in this scenario. Let me lay out the exact narrative. 10 minutes into round. I’m making carpets, I want to cover the station in carpet. Just came back from delivering unstable mutagen to botany – because, woah, I do my job, I don’t validhunt. Ryder Franks, a random dude, barges in. Shoves me aside, makes 70u Mute Toxin. I call sec, because he’s being fucking annoying. “Sec, Ryder Franks just broke into chem and made 70u Mute Toxin” a couple times over radio. Ryder Franks IMMEDIATELY flashes and injects me with mute toxin, atropine, and who knows what else, but I’m dead almost instantly and he hides my body in maint.

My body is found. I get brought to Medbay, I’m defibbed by a doctor. Takes a while to revive me because of the atropine but whatever. Ryder Franks shows up again, tries to prick me again, fails, the doctor that revived me disarms him. Ryder injects the doctor. I manage to save him. Ryder runs off – returns shortly, jukes me a bit, runs out, kills a security deputy that was just chilling (lmao). Now, security has been called by various people on Ryder Franks maybe 40-50 times at this point. I go to brig to see what the fucking deal is with these guys, since there’s SEVEN SEC OFFICERS on the manifest. They’re ALL just chilling in there chatting with eachother, completely ignoring radio. Someone calls for help in Sci. Another person calls for help in Sci. Sec doesn’t lift a finger, as I’m watching brig at this point. Actually, a couple officers walk into brig to join them. Then, I hear over radio – “HELP ARRIVALS”. I know Ryder was running to arrivals last time I juked him, maybe five minutes prior. I run over there.

Ryder’s fighting three people (an engineer, an assistant, and a doctor) – none of which got banned for “validhunting”, by the way, isn’t that crazy. He pops up from one of their stuns, presumably with a stim or something, pricks one, dude falls over. Flashes the other. I load him full of death syringes and he burns to death after firing off a few Stetchkin rounds.


Last time I checked, validhunting wasn’t “not wanting the dude who has been trying to kill you all round to kill more people”. MRP wasn’t “act like a braindead moron and ignore what’s happening around you”, and it wasn’t “OH MY GOD SEC IS SO GOOD THEY’LL DEFINITELY HANDLE THIS DESPITE LITERALLY NOT DOING ANYTHING THE PAST 40 MINUTES AGAINST ALL MY CRIES FOR HELP”. Yes, let me sit in my little cage and ignore literally everything else on the station and never go out of my way to help anyone else when I know others won’t help. Let me be directly responsible for three other players dying by ignoring their call for help, since Security sure as shit never showed up. Oh, I went back to brig after killing Ryder by the way. All of sec was still there, fucking around, not doing anything to help anyone on the station. Not one of them came to deal with the fight in Arrivals.

I’ll do a little FAQ here based on the sort of shit Drackzo was hitting me with.

Q: Why did you have a lethal syringe prepared?
A: Oh, I don’t know dude, the first time you get instantly killed by a dude who’s clearly just trying to tow the line of murderboning, you probably want to actually have a form of self defense “just in case” since a sec officer literally watched him drag your corpse into maint the first time.

Q: How fucking dare you leave your department to go help someone else?
A: That’s what Drackzo’s entire “validhunting” definition is. Just wanted to frame that here. Some may call it an oversimplification, but I think that’s more or less what this line of thinking boils down to.

Q: Why didn’t you ahelp Ryder when you thought he was murderboning?
A: Because my first instinct when I get killed isn’t to cry WAAAAAAAAAAAAH WAS THAT VALID? Evidently, it’s Ryder’s first instinct, unless Drackzo was just following me the whole round.

Q: You’ve got a pretty bad note history, that must have something to do with it?
A: Yeah, post my notes here and I will line by line tell you why more than half of them are literal fabrications. Even beyond that, let’s say I’m the shitty, spergy, dickhead player I was when I started playing this game age… 14, I think it was. Let’s say the majority of those notes aren’t immense oversimplifications that ignore dozens of justifying factors (the two notes for IC in OOC are trash behavior though, I’ll admit that). Why would they lead you to assume I’m acting with malicious intent in this particular scenario, Drackzo? I’m enlisted in -unspecified country-'s military, I’m 21 years old (sad), I’m already divorced, I’ve spent the past 4 years learning Russian and I maintain a fairly successful indie folk band. That’s not saying “ohohohoho Asskek must be such a good dude”, it’s saying that despite all that, ironically, I’m still as vaguely autistic as ever and you know as well as I do that every single time I get bwoinked I spend the next 40 minutes arguing about it in ahelps. If I was acting with malicious intent, why would I bother arguing? Why wouldn’t I just say “fuck off dipshit suck my balls”,[REDACTED] and evade whatever stickyban gets thrown on me? Why do I continue to play on Fulp instead of countless other servers? Yeah, it’s because I still have permabans on almost every other server from years & years ago, and I haven’t bothered appealing them; and while yes I spent my sad, pathetic high school years evading bans, I don’t care anymore and I’ve grown up enough to understand that a punishment’s a punishment.

My question is, what were Ryder’s objectives that required him to have a poison kit (atropine, etc.)? Why was he magically alive when I decided to observe after being admin jailed? And the kicker, did this dude really fucking ahelp me killing him or was Drackzo just following me around the entire shift waiting for me to “fuck up”? Don’t you think if I was validhunting I would’ve grabbed Ryder’s antag gear instead of literally tossing the bag to one of the other guys? Don’t you think if I really wanted my valids I would’ve just bashed his skull in the moment he injected me with mute toxin, barely 10 minutes into the round? I had a good 10-20 second delay before the atropine hit.

Also, Drackzo, why did you write this ban to fit your argument better? I can cite a few examples just from this forum and my notes – but here it’s pretty blatant. I’m sure it’s not a conscious effort, can’t see why you would act maliciously, that’s a waste of time and I won’t insult you by saying you’d actively do some bullshit like that. But: “Attacked him”; no, Drackzo, he killed me, hid my corpse, tried killing me again, tried killing me again, tried killing my co-worker, and you admitted yourself neither of us were in his objectives, whatever his objectives even were. All because I called sec on him.

I was “ratting him out”, Drackzo? How terrible, dude. It’s not like he shoved me aside, stole my beaker, dumped it, and made 70U mute toxin then told me to “fuck off cunt” when I asked him why he needed mute toxin. Yeah, I sure “ratted him out” by calling sec. Never called him a traitor in my sec call, just that he made mute toxin. Tell me, Drackzo, if I’m a traitor, and someone sees me hacking a door, does that mean I’m good to open fire on that person and hide their corpse in maint? If I’m a traitor and someone sees me emag something, can I behead them and toss their brain in the fryer? That’s what you’re arguing here. I mean, if it was up to me, that’d be perfectly fine; but we both know that’s not what the current “vision” of the server is regarding antag policy.

“Without even knowing who it was” – again Drackzo’s rule APPEARS TO BE that everyone playing this game must roleplay as a braindead pole. Dude was already getting beaten down by those three other people I mentioned, by the way – by the time I got there he was fucked had he not been able to pop the stim that incited me to syringe him. Crazy I’m the ONLY “”“”“validhunter”“”" here.

**EDIT: Let me just share what a TOTALLY VALID 10-minutes-into-the-round kill looks like, by the way. That Drackzo 10000% defended when I complained about it (only upon Drackzo bwoinking me for killing this traitor back… like I said, I don’t fucking whine to admins every time I get killed). I checked with someone on the server by the way, I wasn’t in Ryder’s objectives.**

Let me also establish something. I really don’t care dude. I’m more making this ban appeal in the hope that this server goes in a direction that’s less full of bullshit bans like this. It’s really not fun. I only play twice a week. I have shit to do. Don’t want that twice a week to be ass – and, for first time readers, let me add this here just in case you miss the reply I wrote to Quighty, who, I’ll admit, is right for criticizing my sort of demonizing Drackzo:

Let me also add that while Drackzo’s perspective here and understanding of my behavior was definitely skewed (refusing to accept I was anything other than Validhunt Hitler), he was never rude. He was extremely courteous in ahelps even despite my obvious aggression towards him, but, if you read round logs, it is immediately obvious that he was set out to ban me with the first bwoink. I quote: “Why are you validhunting?” Those were his exact words.

Why not just ban me if you made up your mind before the first bwoink? Don’t pretend you wanted or cared for an argument, it’s patronizing dude. This is NOT an admin complaint, I don’t want Drackzo thrown in the pit; I’m sure plenty of people have had great experiences with him as admin. He’s always been a chill dude to me the few times I’ve been in ahelps with him. I just want this situation to be discussed — it’s only a three day ban after all.

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Wow you got his speech pattern down to a science.

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lmao if this story is true then this has to be the most BS ban ive ever seen on this server

hey bro, if he’s going to characterize me as Validhunt Hitler in his deliberately ignorant bwoinks towards me, i’ll characterize him unfairly too.

Let me also add that while Drackzo’s perspective here and understanding of my behavior was definitely skewed (refusing to accept I was anything other than Validhunt Hitler), he was never rude. He was extremely courteous in ahelps even despite my obvious aggression towards him, but, if you read round logs, it is immediately obvious that he was set out to ban me with the first bwoink. I quote: “Why are you validhunting?” Those were his exact words.

Why not just ban me if you made up your mind before the first bwoink? Don’t pretend you wanted or cared for an argument, it’s patronizing dude. This is NOT an admin complaint, I don’t want Drackzo thrown in the pit; I’m sure plenty of people have had great experiences with him as admin. He’s always been a chill dude to me the few times I’ve been in ahelps with him. I just want this situation to be discussed — it’s only a three day ban after all.

There seems to be some confusion on what valid hunting is considered under fulp’s rules. Keep in mind, we have strict rules on valid hunting and murder boning because we are a server that is inteded to be beginner friendly. Also, expecting sec to respond perfectly every round when we are, again, a beginner server, and security is one of the most popular beginner roles, is a bit of a tall order. That being said, here is our policy on valid hunting:

Valid Hunting: Searching for / preparing for / dealing with antagonists and criminals without a need or duty to do so. This includes having the intention of eliminating them as a threat to the station. Note that this refers specifically to the illegitimate targeting of antags and does not include scenarios listed as acceptable in the Guide of Acceptable Antag Killing (e.g. you can’t validhunt a nukie because they are always an acceptable target for all crewmembers).
Being a vigilante within reason is acceptable here such as helping someone getting attacked by another player. If it involves going out of your way to do so though, it’s probably going too far.

“If it involves going out of your way to do so, it’s probably too far” makes it pretty clear that what you did was considered valid hunting and not in-line with our core Rule 2. Going off of the logs, you did exactly what you said you did in this appeal, which is against server rules. Disagreeing with the rules isn’t an excuse to break them, nor is another player breaking the rules. This isn’t kindergarten; I shouldn’t need to explain that Asskek is responsible for Asskek and Ryder Franks is responsible for Ryder Franks. If someone else is breaking the rules, tell admins instead of taking it into your own hands if you don’t want a ban in the future.

Appeal denied, and on a related note, harassing other players or staff will net you a longer or permanent ban if it continues.

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