Axle Brady Murderboning(?) as Spy

Byond Account: boltonshead
Character Name(s): N/A
Discord Name: Imperfect Clone of B.C. (boltonshead)
Round ID: 31225
Date: 09/03//2024
Griefer IC name: Axle Brady
Griefer Byond account (if known): sinfulbliss

What happened:

Axle Brady (I misspelled his name last time LOL) was a spy, who had these objectives:

  • They completed 6 bounties.
  • They received the following rewards: Freedom Implant, Combat Bakery Kit, Syndicate MODsuit, Makarov Pistol, Cycler Shotgun and Teachstache Grenade
    Objective #1: Free the station’s AI from its laws.
    Objective #2: Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody. Fail.

I watched their round, and watched him begin to use a cycler shotgun on a mime for no reason- not even to further his objectives, as he had needed to do with an eye extraction earlier.

In the end, I watched him intentionally red text, so he could continue getting rewards (Maybe that lets them greentext?)

I’m not entirely sure how many people they killed- as I had joined late and also joined several death matches during this round- or if it was just the mime they randomly attacked with a shotgun- but from other ghosts during this round it sounded like the scale of violence was larger than that.

Not much to say here, not sure why you’re grief reporting other than the previous round where you were a seccie that got demoted due to arresting me.

Cycler shotgun does stamina damage and minimal brute IIRC, the Mime was fine. He was coming at me while I was doing my eyesteal objective. Second I didn’t “intentionally redtext,” my objective to free the AI from its laws was impossible because there was no diamond to print the purge module. Second, Spy doesn’t even work like that regardless, it continues to give missions and your objectives are secondary.

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This has been looked into, thank you for reporting!