Ban Appeal BanID:38689

Byond Account: Jacko321234
Character Name(s): Benjamin Shaner
Discord Name (ie: Name#1234): Jacko#0294
Round ID of Ban: 26969

Ban Message (Gyazo/imgur or copy and paste): Banned by host: You, or another user of this computer or connection (Jacko321234) is banned from playing here.
The ban reason is: 26969 - Core 2 - Openly griefing and bragging about it ic , using chem grenades as a monkey
This ban (BanID #38689) was applied by SoreYew on 2023-07-13 18:36:51 during round ID 26969.
This is a permanent ban.

State your appeal: Within this round, I played without issue completely up until I had the ghost role of intelligent monkey or whatever it’s called im not exactly sure. The chemist who created me was a traitor and told me to run up to a group of people and pull the pin, I wasnt aware I was doing anything wrong as I thought creatures that are made sentient are bound to their creator. I played the rest of the round as the monkey basically kept in crit by sec and did not once receive an admin ticket to ask what happened. I’ve never had an issue in the time i’ve been playing fulp and i’ve come to grow quite attached to it. I’d hate for this to be the end of myself on fulpstation as I really do enjoy the server and intended no harm/grief. (also the "bragging I did to my memory was just laughing about it as a monkey, I dont really think that counts.)

after another attempt of joining i’ve recieved: Core 4 hate speech is not allowed here
I’ve never once done anything like that here so no clue why thats been added?

Looking at the logs, your story checks out. The traitor shouldn’t have been bombing crowded areas (or making islamophobic comments about having you do it) but you were correct to follow the orders. In the future, if someone is asking you to do something that would likely break server rules as a sentient spawn, please ahelp first so we can avoid things like this happening. This is appealed. You should be able to log in to the server now.