Ban appeal danxd7996

Byond Account: danxd7996
Character Name(s): dib membrane
Discord Name (ie: Name#1234): danxd#7996
Round ID of Ban: 26063

Ban Message (Gyazo/imgur or copy and paste):

State your appeal:
these perm bans were a while back, way before i started playing fulpstation, so why am i suddenly being banned for having perm bans from those servers? i didnt get perma banned after i was banned from the fulp discord

The cross ban reason is simple, you have been doing dumb things on our server, was asked to stop, and did not. It simply looks like you were server hopping and making issues along the way without taking when we talked with you seriously.

I will appeal this ban, but thin ice, if any serious issues pop up it won’t be appealed again as easily.
