Ban appeal Devinxoptoh

Byond key: Devinxoptoh
Character names: Chip Shafer
Round ID: 14147

Ban message:

Just to make this, very clear, I would appreciate if a moderator or admin could pull the conversation between me and horatio up.
I was not “arguing” at all and would like to make that, very clear.
The reason I shot the guy in the first place, he tides into medical storage, I shove him, he pulls a gun out on me, I literally shot him with a 15u fent syringe which is NON LETHAL unless he avoids medical attention entirely which, is shockingly easy to get, in medbay.
The reason WHY i have a fent syringe, is because I CONSTANTLY get shitters trying to cause crap around medbay and frankly, sec never does their job and sticks in departments they are assigned to.
The “argument” was regarding how I was literally executed by the hos, midhallway, with their LETHALLY LOADED riot shotgun, WITHOUT the captains permission, on BLUE alert.
Last time I checked, sec wernt allowed to carry lethals around on blue alert. and definitely arnt allowed to just shoot someones head off without captains permission.

I seriously do not understand how I am “antag prepping” when theres countless people who have some form of weaponry on them at all times. but me literally defending myself is bad.

I’d also like to add onto this that a few rounds before this, during a greenshift, I got blew up. My arm was missing, I was deaf, and I was attempting to make a cure. It was lost.
I ahelp it and horatio just goes “you arnt hurt”
Once the round was over, I put it in criticisms that I was blew up. To which horatio replies image

Soooo me getting blown up is allowed, but me defending myself isnt?

EDIT: I was told I had a syringe gun of “lethal syringes”
Fentanyl is not lethal and is literally a sedative that causes brain damage

Syringe guns are for “handling chaotic patients”
Me having a syringe gun, with a sedative loaded, is… fine considering I am an MD, that deals, with all sorts of patients

The “argument” was regarding how I was literally executed by the hos, midhallway, with their LETHALLY LOADED riot shotgun, WITHOUT the captains permission, on BLUE alert.
Last time I checked, sec wernt allowed to carry lethals around on blue alert. and definitely arnt allowed to just shoot someones head off without captains permission.

I will just leave this here for now:

“The station has received reliable information about possible hostile activity on the station. Security staff may have weapons visible, random searches are permitted.”

This is the announcement for Blue alert so while I don’t have the full context of what happened the other round, security almost always have permission to carry lethals since only on a confirmed Green Shift the alert doesn’t upgrade to Blue at the start of the shift.

My bad, forgot that they were allowed lethals, However the hos in question screamed “LING LING LING” and shot my head off completely without caps permission. I wasnt a ling.
My point being they didnt even try to NON lethal me beforehand and instead just resorted to shooting my head off with a riot shotgun

What happened the previous round is entirely irrelevant as it had nothing to do with your ban other than you arguing the ruling in the ticket associated with it, but I will say this: an accident happening in chem on a beginner server is IC. The cure, iirc, was happiness, which explodes on its own if you make a mistake. It did not appear as if someone had maliciously blown up chem. If you don’t like having to deal with other players making genuine mistakes, a beginner server is not for you. Complaining about a beginner making a beginner mistake on a beginner server is not cool (whiny, in fact), and you’ve been talked to about your OOC toxicity in the past.

The cure for the disease was aranesp which is a really long winded process to make and is extremely irritating. However it has no explosive properties at all.

The reason I ahelped that instance is because somebody literally threw a grenade into pharmacy

If that’s the case, then that was definitely a mistake on my part and I’d glady review the logs if you had submitted it through the proper channels. Either way, ahelps of a completely different round are not the place to dispute a previous ruling.

First off, this appeal is full of things that belong in a staff report rather than a ban appeal. I’m aware that you submitted one, but including it here is just superfluous information and doesn’t make my job any easier. Now, neither of you were correct about what happened in chem. There was another chemist that made pills that exploded when they were consumed. The logs related to this are extremely close to the logs of a beginner chemist making a mistake with chems. It is an understandable mistake to think that was the case. Though there was no grenade at all, so I’m not sure where you got that from. That situation has been dealt with now.

However, this has nothing to do with your ban. You were banned for powergaming by having a weapon and arguing with the admin involved. Neither of these are false. Having an improvised weapon and carrying a syringe gun are two completely different things. A botanist with an axe or a bartender with his shotgun, completely fine within the rules. A MD walking around with a syringe gun loaded for self defense is antag prepping. That isn’t an improvised weapon, it’s a normal weapon even if the contents aren’t necessarily lethal. Something like a surgical saw would be far more acceptable. The ticket is easily describable as arguing as well. You bring up past rulings that are completely unrelated to the current ticket and argue the case in a non-analogous situation. Saying the words “I’m not arguing with you” does not mean that it’s the case. You came off as very aggressive in this ticket that wasn’t necessarily going to be a ban otherwise. If you have issues with policy, feel free to bring them up on the discord but doing so in admin tickets will always come across like an argument.

Appeal denied. I suggest you take a serious break and try to calm down before you come back. This is clearly going to continue progressing to a permaban if you don’t.