Byond Account: iburttan
Character Name(s): forgot. but its the only character i have
Discord Name (ie: Name#1234): iburttan.
Round ID of Ban: 34267
Ban Message (Gyazo/imgur or copy and paste):
State your appeal: hello! I got banned for killing a guy and stealing weapons.
when i joined, there were spiders getting out of every single vent, i have decided to grab some weapons since the CMO did the same - whole medbay was in web and spiders damn. Well, please hear me out, im really innocent and still as a result the roboticist got revived. All I did was quite honestly just defending the station at some point. you know, i saw that CMO has died in psych’s room and decided to rush to get him some mutadone and other stuff, since he just got irradiated fatally. in med, there was also a leaking welding fuel tank since i was trying to get rid of all the spider web, that was just EVERYWHERE. after killing the spiders, i brought the dead CMO to hall and rushed to chemistry to get him some meds.
meanwhile, some scientist/roboticist appears out of nowhere and ignites the fuel tank, causing an explosion, fire and “second death” of the CMO. seeing that, i came out of chemistry asap and shot him, since he did, in fact, just grant CMO sone crazy burns and even a missing limb if im not wrong. also starting a fire in medbay with that.
im just asking for your understanding, please. thanks, and have a good one