Character Name(s): Jumbalaya Jo-Jombie
Discord Name (ie: Name#1234): Cheeki-Chan#5625
Round ID of Ban: 16441
Ban Message (Gyazo/imgur or copy and paste):Screenshot - 562a421b23c468b965fc5112c52e536e - Gyazo
State your appeal: Yeah, so I know it looked pretty bad, and probably was pretty bad, and I totally don’t fault any of the staff for swinging the hammer as quick as they did. However, I would just like to say that I was acting under the pretense that there was a revolution that was winning out against the station, and that it had taken over Medbay. The reason I believed that was because the Chief Engineer of the round (Who’s character name I cannot recall) had literally told me that that was the situation, and that I should go gas them. Which is why I did. Evidently, that was not the case, and in retrospect I probably should have A-helped it before hand to get the all clear (or lack thereof), but at the time I was just doing what I thought could be a decisive move against the revolution.
I may be a fool, but I wasn’t trying to ruin anybody’s round. As it stands, I apologize for the mistake and hope this clears up what was going on.