Ban Appeal Shoop

Byond Account: ShoopTheClown
Character Name(s):Shoop
Discord Name (ie: Name#1234):
Round ID of Ban:33015

Ban Message (Gyazo/imgur or copy and paste): core4 used trans as insult justified as role play, rude
State your appeal:

First off,long time player on and off and only come on to support FULPSTATION through out the years (Almost a decade WHOOHOO) and check in on the game. Very familiar with role play changes further back.

I feel I did nothing wrong and all player interactions are appropriate and have always been, it is part of the FS culture and NG culture to press boundaries with in limits. And its a shame that after all this time I have to make an account and come on here and argue.

Claims of rudeness are absurd, mod didn’t like the fact he had to come and do his job because some non-antag griefer sec got butt hurt and should have NEVER used their personal feelings to judge player content.

Its not fair to players that use mods as their personal attack dogs, its not fair to players that mods are interrupting rounds because of THIER personal feelings, and lastly this type of behavior from Griefers/mods/ is greatly disturbing and detrimental to the already dwindling population of FULPSTATION.

First off,long time player on and off and only come on to support FULPSTATION through out the years


I feel I did nothing wrong and all player interactions are appropriate and have always been, it is part of the FS culture and NG culture to press boundaries with in limits. And its a shame that after all this time I have to make an account and come on here and argue.

We work tirelessly to make NG the best site it can possibly be, only to occasionally have the mood brought down by users with bad attitudes. These rules are here to maintain order and keep users civil. You may receive a warning after breaking a rule, or may be banned outright depending on the offense.

If your general presence on Newgrounds is disruptive or makes people uncomfortable, we reserve the right to delete your account outright.

Things that will get you banned:

  • Using racist, sexist, homophobic or hateful language.
  • Attempting to smartass your way around these rules.

Its not fair to players that use mods as their personal attack dogs, its not fair to players that mods are interrupting rounds because of THIER personal feelings

are you sure we’re the ones not being fair

If you were here in good faith you wouldn’t be evading, so clearly this is denied.

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