Ban appeals (pls forgive me)

Byond Account: xoxmax
Character Name(s):Rhaast
Discord Name (ie: Name#1234):x3mk
Round ID of Ban:30511
Ban Message (Gyazo/imgur or copy and paste):Core 3- sexual content Sexually harassed another player and continued to do so after they made it clear they weren’t into it. Round 30511 on 1.22.23
State your appeal: why I’m getting perma it’s my 3rd ban and some guys got 20 ban and he still playing, why we can’t talk and understand the problem because I’m not bad guy in real life, and it’s was first time acting like bad guy because I Thought it’s allowed, if it’s not allowed then tell me and I won’t do it, all the other server have high ping or bad coding, I got used to this server and its cod and ping which is smooth to play, at lest if you won’t unban me give me timer ban like 1 week or 1 month or more and tell me what was wrong too so I don’t do it Once again. :rose:

The 180° attitude change is funny but one denied appeal is enough no need for three of them