Banned for ritual

Byond Account: Devilishly
Character Name(s): Jimmy Hays
Discord Name (ie: Name#1234): N/A (Not On Discord Server)
Round ID of Ban: Sorry, I do not know.

Ban Message (Gyazo/imgur or copy and paste): Murderbone as chaplain
State your appeal: I don’t know what happened. i was playing the chaplain with another other guy, and the ritual it told me to burn people. i didn’t force people to come, i didn’t kill people randomly, i told them what they’re getting into, and they came and let me burn them, and once i was done after like 4 sacrifices, an admin killed me and banned me. idk what i did wrong, because it seemed like i was supposed to do that. am i missing something?

Line 4835: [2024-01-30 22:57:54.041] GAME-SAY: Devilishly/(Jimmy Hays) (mob_3137) “Space jesus teaches that human sacrifices are ok. especially burning people for no apparel reason” (Fore Primary Hallway (137,180,2))
Line 4845: [2024-01-30 22:57:57.954] GAME-SAY: Devilishly/(Jimmy Hays) (mob_3137) “also that he died for us” (Fore Primary Hallway (137,180,2))

Genuinely cracked me up reading the logs.

Anyway, it looks like there might have been confusion about SSD characters. If a character is SSD (afk) or dead but revivable, they shouldn’t be sacrificed. When you examine a person, unless it says that they are catatonic or their soul has departed, they can rejoin the server and continue playing. This seems like a genuine mistake (and the logs prove that you did convince other players to get burnt), so I’m accepting this appeal. You should be able to join next round.