Bilbos contrib ap

Byond Account: Bilbo367
Character Name(s): Bilbo Wood
Discord Name: Bilbo367
Age: 21
How long have you played on Fulpstation? 1.6k houwards.
Show us your work what is a PR/Piece of art/ Code you’ve done!


+1 he code

I really appreicate that you’re making actual coding improvements/ did a tgu. You’re already a mentor, and it’s easier if I can ping you in the contrib hut channel on Discord +1

did tgu, pretty cool +1

he really listens +1

+1 I like the name (he code)

great PRs and you are already accepted but i am still -1ing you for not teleporting me that one time in LC and left me to brutal death

This is accepted! Welcome to the smurf hut!