Blatant Lowpop Griefer Kills Everyone

Byond Account: QuiteLiterallyAnything
Character Name(s): Pharrel Pherrel
Discord Name: QuiteLiterallyAnything
Round ID: 32289
Griefer IC name: Diego Atkinson
Griefer Byond account (if known): Unknown (I’m guessing it’s whoever “Dbiahstb-77” is.)

What happened: See title. For the most part this was just blatant grief by some guy running around as a medical doctor, kidnapping people to “interview them about roleplaying” before killing them.

It seems the person who did this was banned immediately after I made this report.

This has been handled. There were 2 griefers, actually. The one in this report is the other one. Thanks for the report!