Blood brother decides to think big, challenges god and essentially round removed a non-target for power game

Character Name(s): Dave
Discord Name: Chilli Dog Dave
Round ID: 32252
Date: 22/05/2024
Griefer IC name: Avery Jyllian
Griefer Byond account (if known):

What happened:
blood brother decides he wants chefs skill chip who was not his target (i know cause i saw them mention it shift start that the target was a miner) beheads them with sheers then cuts the chip out of the skull heavily damaging the brain, implants themselves then realises its area restricted then dumps it and proceeds to bully a scientist into reviving chef for him or he would kill him.

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I was the other blood brother, and I want to state that I had no involvement nor did I condone Avery’s actions. I fixed the chef up and got them revived, but they were SSD by the time I finished working on them. I tried to be the voice of reason that shift but they just wouldn’t listen.

Mind you, I shouldn’t have even been a blood brother because I have a self-requested ban from it.

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This has been handled. Thank you for the report.