Botanists self antags, no one shocked

Byond Account: MentalCow
Character Name(s): Danny Boy
Discord Name: Mental#6402
Round ID: 15998
Griefer Byond account: ? 
Griefer Byond name: Angel Shaffer
What happened:

I got teleported into botany by bluespace banana peels spammed in the halls by the other botanist (forgot their name unfortunately). once i tried to leave Angel primes a combustable lemon and tosses it at me, i eventually arrest them and check their bag to see that its full of combustable lemons. she wasn’t an antag.

Yo I was the botanist that did the blue space bananas. Was arrested for the bananas but the other botanist was 100% making max potancy combustible lemons to use for themselves.

Resolved this, thank you for letting us know!