Byond Account:Adminsrule
Character Name(s):i think its Dominick something
Discord Name (ie: Name#1234):no discord
Round ID of Ban:16458
Ban Message (Gyazo/imgur or copy and paste): its long as FUCK and it wont let me copy and paste but basically i didnt respect him
State your appeal:i didnt understand some rule and complained that sec is messing with me and accusing admins of not caring because i had 2 tickets on me over really minor things that never reoccured. sorry i dont know what else to say the guy banned me for how i spoke to him which is pretty fucked.
also perma ban? really? over this? its not that big of a deal at all i didnt kill anyone jesus
Here’s a snip of the ahelp that got you perma’d:
[2021-08-31 23:49:50.830] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Adminsrule/(Dominick Seallis)->Guillaume Prata/(Guillanyame H. Prata): ya ok bro get mad again for me doing a funny prank. get bent jannie
ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Adminsrule/(Dominick Seallis)->Guillaume Prata/(Guillanyame H. Prata): at least im not a jannie. do it for free some more
ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Adminsrule/(Dominick Seallis)->Guillaume Prata/(Guillanyame H. Prata): lmao well when you eventually ban me for basically nothing, know i appreciate you for not being a little f*g like the rest of your jannie sisters
We take hate speech seriously here (and the original wasn’t censored, by the way), and we don’t tolerate people abusing our staff. Don’t come back. Denied.