Byond Account: Astutearc Character Name(s) : i forgot its been a year or something Round ID of Ban : 30425

Byond Account: Astutearc
Character Name(s) : i forgot its been a year or something
Round ID of Ban : 30425
Ban Message (imgur link):

State your appeal: I broke rule 0 of admin interactions, and I am sincerely sorry, and for the “ban evasion” i simply got a new SSD, which caused me to not be banned i guess, so i played until i would get banned again, cause I really enjoy this server and decided to have my fun while i could still have it. I am not sure if this counts as ban evasion, but it wasn’t a direct thing and I was not doign all of that to play on fulpstation, and addressing the rudeness to staff, I have matured and I am ready to start a new leaf on fulpstation. Thank you for reading my appeal.

That’s honest enough, hope you stick to the rules in your stay here.
This is accepted.