Cain's How To: Private Server Hosting

Here is a quick guide in case you are ever curious

  1. Go to GitHub - fulpstation/fulpstation: Fulp downstream of TG and click the green code button and then download zip
  2. Unzip it with your unzipper of choice (such as 7zip or winrar)
  3. Click BUILD.bat in the extracted folder
  4. Open Dream Daemon (which you should have with standard byond) and go to the extract folder after BUILD.bat finishes
  5. Scroll to bottom and click “tgstation.dmb” and then open
  6. Green go button, no need to worry about port security or visibility because they all need further configuration on your end
  7. Click the stop sign to close the server and the merge lane sign to join it.

You now have your own private server to do whatever you want in. If you want it to be public, you’ll have to learn about port forwarding.


Nice, thanks for this guide!

now i can try out weird gimicks and see if theyd work, thanks man!

psa if you try to port forward without a dedicated ipv4 address it wont work because byond was built from mud and doesnt support ipv6