Byond Account: B0rk386
Character Name(s): Giacomo Affinito, Captain Clown
Discord Name: Aquarius/Weegee
Round ID: 32315
Date: 5/27/2024
Griefer IC name: Tim Byrne
Griefer Byond account (if known): Unknown
What happened:
I was arrested for tackling the HoS as a clown, and taken to the brig. Normal so far, but the big problem is that I was led to perma to serve a “Sentence”, and then was exposed to vending machines that ultimately put me into softcrit (I deathgasped not long after), while i was helpless due to being passive grabbed by the warden. I am unsure if it was their intention to cause a death by vending machine, but the fact remains a prisoner was put in a dangerous situation (and later died as a result of said situation) that could have been avoided had the Warden followed procedure strictly and avoided unnecessary or atypical judgements.