Chiemi's Mentor App

Byond Account: Scionalu
Character Name(s): Chiemi/C.H.I.E.M.I./Nekomimime/Ayano
Discord Name: Chiemi#3132
Age: 22
Timezone: GMT+7 (Sorry, I don’t want to put a specific Timezone)
Active hours: Very Random, Mostly 22.00 – 08.00. But I always check Discord pings whenever I’m awake

How long have you played on Fulpstation?
Well… In total, I’ve been playing for 800+ hours. But actually, it’s probably 750 hours considering how many times I fell asleep

What departments are you able to be a mentor for? Can you elaborate on your experience in those departments?
I’m experienced in all of medical. I can almost answer any questions regarding medical, even on different races. I’ve also learned a lot of tricks (Like how to put yourself in cryo without help). The only thing I lack would be on making chem factories… But, even with the 5 job options in medical, I always pick Paramedic because I just can’t sit still and like to help people.
I also have more than 20 hours on all other departments and know a bit on how they work. I also have general knowledge about the station, where things are, and even some tiny details that might prove useful.

What are some things you’ve noticed as a player on Fulp?
It’s usually either there’s nothing happening at all or everything’s falling apart in fulp.
The round always ends with EORG, I don’t like it, but I guess they need to vent… I’m fine dying to it.
Almost everyone seems nice, I’ve also met such wonderful people here, I wish to be helpful and support them


Absolutely fantastic player
Literally cannot think of a bad experience with you

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Fucking A. +1

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Fat +1 for somft pink cat.

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Paramentor main gets my +1e7 upvote.

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cool hair, +1

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+1, great player, great person and hopefully best mentor :orange_heart:

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Best paramedic I’ve ever seen

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They sound like a very very nice player, definitely a +1 from me.

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Amazing player, absolutely no negative note history. Great conduct on both the server and the Discord. +1

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+1 wasn’t in trouble and they didn’t help me (as a guide or I am dying somewhere randomly by an antag and they come drag me to medical) and always nice and makes people are them happy

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+1 good paramed :slight_smile:

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Wholesome, a fairly simple +1.

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Your app has been accepted. Welcome to the team!