Consistent antag rolling

Byond Account: banement
Character Name(s) Altjira XC
Discord Name: sonicdragolgo
Griefer IC name: Braeden Briner
Griefer Byond account (if known):

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Round ID Date (GMT) Notes
32198 17/05/2024
32237 20/05/2024
32264 23/05/2024 Asked for shuttle vote, was refused, then “fell” into a plasma lake.
32329 29/05/2024

What happened:
I’ve not been playing as much lately, but the typical shift where Braedon joins is:

  1. Join as Coroner.
  2. If antag, do antag stuff.
  3. If not antag, go SSD the entire shift, maybe come back at round end.
  4. Repeat until antag.

This takes up the coroner slot, which there is only 1 of (IIRC). Very annoying. They’ve very likely done this on more rounds than this, just the ones I’ve seen personally.

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can confirm, literally every time I see this guy roundstart he’s “ssd” and almost never wakes up

same here

This has been handled. Thanks for the report!