Cook gibs Sec and Acting Cap

Byond Account: Vivi Vixien
Character Name(s): Vivi Vixien
Discord Name:
Round ID: 30900
Date: 18 FEB 24
Griefer IC name: Denholm Waldron
Griefer Byond account (if known): N/A

What happened: Saw cook kill a sec officer and CMO (Acting Captain) at Kitchen Cold Room, gibbing them right after. Did nothing after, which was unusual. Turns out they weren’t an antag at all on the end of the round, just griefing. The round before that station was being bombed and seemed to be a griefer as well, I have no evidence though, but may have been the same person.

I believe they were banned the round after

They were banned for this, already. Thank you for the patrol, in any case!