CrushKidClyde Ban Appeal 2

Byond Account: CrushKidClyde
Character Name(s): Grandma Thompson, Zenaku Druhazi, 
Discord Name (ie: Name#1234): Crush#6848
Round ID of Ban: ID 26536

Ban Message (Gyazo/imgur or copy and paste): Banned By host: You or another user of this computer or connection (Newmensferry67) is banned from playing here. The ban reason is: 26536 - core 2- plasmaflooded science and then disconnected this ban (banID #382884) was applied by Soreyew on 2023-06-19 15:50:43 during round ID 26536. This is a Permanent Ban.

This is not my account, I am not computer savvy enough to really know what is going on. I have played after this date, I played in 2024 and have had no issues. I have had temp bans in the past but they are very much about interpersonal interactions, this action of griefing and leaving is not my behavior. I have been just playing Grandma Thompson because even trying to be a good/serious Security Member is stressful.

I request a chance to appeal and support the admin team and Soreyew in the finality of any decision to my inclusion or otherwise. I have taken responsibility of conduct and learned from admin instruction and adapted because I like this community and want to be here and contribute to it.

TLDR; I did not do this and appeal the ban and am unsure if this is related to a more technical issue.( Ie someone using my connection outside my network…)

Should be fixed, but I’m going to leave this open in case it isn’t. Let me know if you’re able to connect or if you’re still running into issues.