Cultist Plasmaflood

Byond Account: B0rk386
Character Name(s): Giacomo Affinito, M.E.E.N., Bozo the Clown
Discord Name: Weegee
Round ID: 30877
Date: 2/16/2024
Griefer IC name: Tristan Werry
Griefer Byond account (if known): Inky4567

What happened:
Tristan Werry was a station engineer and dumped plasma into the pure loop, then flooded the air distribution pipes with it and heated it up as much as possible using the adjacent thermomachine, intentionally to cause mass plasmafires. Tristan Werry was shown as a cultist at the round end report, but under the acceptable guidelines on killing Cultists cannot cause mass destruction, like plasma flooding, without prior admin approval or consultation. No admins were online and they did not hesitate to do so once it became clear the Cult was losing. I was the station AI, and they cut as many cameras around distribution as they could, and despite my best efforts they ultimately succeeded and set most of the station on fire.

This has been handled. Thanks for the report!