Favorite and least favorite Ai law set

For me it has to be a tie between D&D and Reporter because of the funny stories you can make up to make the news intresting. And my least is Drone Because of the zero interaction with the crew.

Ya I like Asimov because they have to listen to me even though they never do

My favorite is H.O.G.A.N. and least favorite is peacekeeper.

Favourite is reporter, I just play like one regardless unless I can’t :frowning:

Least favourite is drone because I play the roleplay action simulator to talk to people. Drone is tolerable on cyborg, not AI.

Least favourite normal lawset is Robodoc because law 5 is annoying

Yah, Law 5 if played wrong is almost as bad as drone. I treat it as you can say what you are doing and ask things in common chat and answer things in common chat you have personally done but cant talk about anyone else. Some peeps treat it as; you cant tell anyone any information at all; which isn’t what it says and isn’t in the spirit of the Law.