Funnie self antag paramed

Byond Account:
Character Name(s): Janet Essix
Discord Name: momo8289
Round ID: 31854
Date: 2024-04-20
Griefer IC name: Alan Heckendora
Griefer Byond account (if known):

What happened:
While I was healing up hos in medbay, Alan Heckendora the intern paramedic stole the PDA and ID off of his body. Couldn’t really do much at the time so I just informed hos when I revived him. Then a bit later when shuttle was about to arrive, the AI pointed out that something was up with the chems in the cryo tubes. I go to check it out, and one of them was emptied (no chems at all), and the other was filled with nitric acid and plasma (not fun). When I pointed this out, Alan started shoving me and trying to put me into the tube. Kinda backfired for them because I had internals on, and there were people around to help out. While I don’t know for certain if Alan was the one to put the bad chems in the cryo tubes, I think they are the most likely suspect.

Handled, thanks for the report!!