Gabecube Ban APpeal

Byond Account: Gabecube
Character Name(s): N/A
Discord Name (ie: Name#1234): Gabecube
Round ID of Ban: 4572
Ban Message (Gyazo/imgur or copy and paste): Banned by host: You, or another user of this computer or connection (Gabecube) is now banned from playin here. The ban reason is: Metabuddying and silently griefing your fellow players lavaland ghost-role. Not cool. Whats worse is you DC’D when prisoned. Explain on the forums. This ban (BANID #5962) was applied by Shadowflame909 on 2019-11-25 19:21:53 during round ID 4572. This is a permanent ban.
State your appeal: I was just learning to play the game and decided to grief and fuck around with my friend for fun. I actually want to play now and have learned the ins and outs of still having a fun time as non antag. I will be on my best behavior.

Appeal accepted. Our rules and policies have changed a bit since you last were able to play, so give them another read and welcome back.