Byond Account: FighterOfKeyboard
Character Name(s): Scotty Willey
Discord Name (ie: Name#1234): zslt01
Round ID of Ban: 20657Ban Message (Gyazo/imgur or copy and paste):
State your appeal: Hey hey people, Scotty here. It’s been 2 and a half years since I got banned here and a lot has happened since. I know I was very annoying at the time, but I feel like I’ve changed and matured since then.
After you had banned me, I started playing on TG terry but soon after I found the lack of roleplay boring so I started playing on cm13, which is a MRP server. During my time ~1000 hours there, I only got 4 notes and a single ban for end of round griefing, which is a good indication of my change, I think.
I understand if you feel unsympathetic towards me for the things I had done back then, but I ask you to give me another chance.