(Foreword: I know that the feature requests category exists, but it’s been quiet for a decent bit of time now. This is more of a request for requests anyhow.)
Whether it’s a feature, balance change, bug fix, quality of life improvement, or something else entirely: please consider submitting your thoughts here— especially if you haven’t played in a while.
I’m really interested in seeing what things might bring people back to the server despite our population shortage. Even if this thread is more than a year old by the time you notice it, I’m still interested in hearing your thoughts.
Fixing the fact you have lost pretty much 99% of the pop.
Jokes aside, Fulp occupies that weird spot between where TG (Rest in peace) and Monkestation do, where TG was more of balanced content with occasional fresh stuff thrown in, and stuff removed, and Monkestation is everything everywhere codebloat central.
What do I mean by this?
Well, on TG if you wanted to buy a gun, even as security, you pretty much need to hack the console to get lethal ballistics (which usually sucked), laserguns don’t have ammo swap, and it’s hard to carry most of them. It’s balanced because it’s hard to get a weapon that can murder 30 people in 5 minutes without it being a whole thing (See His Grace).
On Monkestation, you can buy straight up LMGs, 50ae handguns, grenade launchers, the equivalent of the cap’s saber, machines that take the work out of whole departments, shotgun pistols, ammo to all of these, and items that straight up make no sense but exist for memes, like the big spoon.
Fulp combines all of these aspects in a piecemeal way that frankly fills neither demand niche. Since TG is now gone I feel going the way of the simplistic server may be the best way to aggregate players.
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Thanks for the feedback! :D
A simple approach to development does have the advantage of being both sustainable and reliable. That’ll definitely help in the long-term, and if the server manages to survive for a while (even with just a few regular players) then it’ll eventually be bound to resurface.
Still, until the server can recover, the most important thing is actually ensuring that it continues to stand. With that said, is there any particular game feature that might interest you specfically?