Grief Patrol: Assassinated by emagged borg when not syndicate target or witness

Byond Account: TheA1ternative
Character Name(s): Victor Vahn
Discord Name: TheA1ternative#0004
Round ID: 10840
Griefer Byond account: ???
Griefer Byond name: BEEP (It might’ve been “B.E.E.P” rather…)

What happened:

I leave the science department to go find some vending machines. Medical cyborg named BEEP (was emagged) approaches me about my toxin damage and offers healing despite me telling BEEP I’ll be fine. BEEP then injects me with several lethal drugs (in hallways nex to a snack vendor) to prevent me from speaking, moving and so on and hid me in disposals. I had presumed because of this I was a target of the syndicate.

I was revived, I tell RD to detonate BEEP while I still have cyanide in me (RD does eventually detonate BEEP and I get back to science). I live out the rest of the round in pain. Round ends and no syndicate were revealed to have me as a target. I ahelped it and was told by the admins to put in a grief patrol as apparently I was not the only victim.

Relevant image:


Not sure if this was the round that I was malf AI, but if so they were acting towards hijack.

Not sure if this was the round that I was malf AI, but if so they were acting towards hijack.

That still would be rulebreaking for fulp as you should only be killing once shuttle is called, my death was halfway into the round. In the rules section as to who you can murder with hijack it says:

Anyone once the shuttle has been called at any alert level

malf AI’s borgs cant be emagged, if @TheA1ternative is right about it being emagged, they wouldn’t be helping a non-existent malf AI

malf AI’s borgs cant be emagged, if @TheA1ternative is right about it being emagged, they wouldn’t be helping a non-existent malf AI

IIRC there was a combination of both a subverted AI and subverted cyborgs, each to separate traitors.

Sorted this out, thanks.