Grungussuss #ask-mods ban

Byond Account:grungussuss
Character Name(s):Aspear Stargeezer
Discord Name (ie: Name#1234):grungussuss
Round ID of Ban: N/A

Ban Message (Gyazo/imgur or copy and paste):

State your appeal: I think I got banned from the channel for saying something after TheDukeofOok announced his presence, I didn’t have much of a history of shitposting in the channel and I’d like to ask a question on fulp rules.

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I am now banned entirely from the whole discord, I don’t really mind but it would be nice to know a reason as there was no warning and I don’t think I broke any of the discord rules.

You know, after playing fulp for 1200 hours, being a part of the community for a while and contributing to the codebase a little, I’d at least expect a reason for my ban. If you can’t provide a reason, may as well close this appeal

Should have been closed a long while ago, my mistake, as an appeal for the discord server in general would be more appropriate now.
