Hello engineer! So centcomm has dumped a big project on you and expects you to complete it huh? No fear! Grungus is here!
There are currently 3 different station objectives with their own perks, difficulty and risks, this guide will explain in detail what each project does, what it needs and the best way to complete it quickly.
Starting from the easiest one to build to the hardest –
- DNA vault:
The DNA vault is a 3X3 machine built with T3 parts.
What it does: Gives every crewmember a single-time permanent selection from 2 genetic buffs you can only get from the DNA vault, ranging from things like Quick(speed boost) to fireproof(self explanatory), there are a lot more and your selection will be random.
Where to build: near botany and/or in an easily accessible area, in sight of the whole crew so they get to work on finishing it! (Normally at the center of the station with a lot of foot traffic)
example: on heliostation →
How to build: First, order the DNA vault parts from the engineering order console, when the crate arrives bring it to the area specified in the info bar when inspecting it, after which you will be able to open it, take the board or keep it in the crate with the DNA samplers (you will need them later) and bring the crate with you when you’re ready to build it. You will require 5 iron for the machine frame, 8 cable for wiring the frame and as a part of the machine assembly, basic tools(wrench, screwdriver), 5 super capacitors, 5 pico-servos. After the machine frame is wrenched, wired and all the parts are inserted, using a screwdriver on the frame will release a cloud of smoke and the DNA vault will be installed.
After it is installed your job as engineer is done, now begins the scientists’ and botanists’ job (ideally). The DNA vault will require about 80% of the round start pop human DNA, a random amount of plant DNA and a random amount of animal DNA, All DNA must be unique.
How to scan DNA: The DNA samplers must first be linked to the vault by left clicking the vault with a sampler in hand, after which the sampler can be used to scan any human, animal or plant (the plant has to be ready to harvest in a hydroponics tray or soil plot).
If the DNA vault was completed, reap your rewards! (Normally getting all the DNA is too much work for the crew so don’t be upset if it never gets completed).
General tips: Head’s pets can be scanned for animal DNA, the public garden can be used by normal crewmembers if botany is slacking, human DNA works on all races (lizards, moths, , except for plasmamen as they don’t have DNA etc., cargo can order animals from the livestock section for scanning.)
Now heading to the most situational, most boring, but potentially life saving objective in my opinion:
- Shield satellites:
What it does: reduces the chances of the meteor shower random event and destroys meteors in the case it does happen.
Where to build: Control console should be built in bridge, CE office or anywhere in engi if you don’t care about security. The shield satellites themselves have to be installed in space and should be spread out on all angles of attack.
How to build: Order the shield generator satellite crate from the engineering cargo order console, after the cooldown expires order the control board, alternatively if a Chief Engineer is present, they can spend the engineering budget on the NT IRN PDA app to buy shield generator satellites in bulk.
After the crates arrive, install the control console somewhere safe, drag the shield sat crate with you to space (make sure you’re EVA worthy and your internals are on) and go around the station installing the satellites, to install a satellite, open the crate and click a satellite, then close the crate (this makes it easier to pull around the 3 sats you need to install), now the station objective is complete.
examples: place the first shields near armory, AI sat, SM, bridge, atmos (these are the worst places to get hit by a meteor)
3 satellites is enough for the objective to count as complete, but it will not fully protect you from a meteor storm, you will need at least 1500% coverage (this can be viewed at the control console) to fully protect you from a meteor storm.
General tips: Be careful when pulling the crate in space as you can easily lose it because of zero-g environment, the control console and satellites can be emaged to increase the chance of meteor storm event, or if (i think 9 or more) satellites are emagged, will summon a dark matter singularity which will be attracted to any living player and will not dissipate without admin intervention.
Finally the most fun objective, the infamous BSA!
- Bluespace artillery:
it is a 11x3 artillery gun capable of artillery fire on any point on the map.
What it does: Once unlocked by 2 command members swiping “unlock BSA safety protocols” on their keycard authentication devices, can be fired at any active GPS signal on any Z-level. It will place any humanoid into crit caught in the epicenter, or if they’re not wearing a bombsuit and the gps is on their person, will gib them.
Where to build: On the exterior in space pointing away from the station if you’re not lazy, or if you’re a true engineer and lazy - remodel the aux base construction area (by first blind dropping it) or remodel some maints by removing walls, this should be done where the BSA has a clear path to shoot as it will destroy all floor tiles and walls in the beam’s path.
example on heliostation:
Be careful of placing the BSA in public areas(arrivals, departures) as they could possibly be used by antagonists to cause major havoc or by the clown for advanced pranks if not secured properly
How to build: The BSA is built from 3 machine frames and a computer frame, first order the BSA parts from the engineering cargo request console, when the parts arrive, take them (it is strongly recommended to use a bluespace RPED for this). materials you will require: 5 Femto servos, 5 Quadratic capacitors, 20 bluespace crystals (both artificial and organic work, even interchangeably!) 29 cables, 20 iron, 2 glass (this is the bare minimum to make the BSA operational), I strongly recommend building security measures in the room you decide to build it in, security cameras (possibly upgraded with X-ray vision by applying a gas analyzer to the camera when the panel is open), vault airlocks, reinforced walls, etc.
To build the frame of the BSA, pick out a space with at least 6 empty tiles behind the computer console, then add tiles in space behind windows for the front of the BSA to be built on, when deploying the front part of the BSA does not count any window tiles as obstruction, which will save you some space. Build 3 machine frames horizontally and the computer frame above the middle machine frame if you are building it west facing, or below if you are building it east facing (this is extremely important as the BSA cannot be disassembled once installed!). place the Bore circuit in front, the fusor board in the middle and the generator board in the back machine frame, place the parts and install the computer frame, it should look something like this for a west facing BSA.
after all the machines are complete, use a multitool to link the bore and generator to the fusor. When all of this is complete, go to the console and select “complete deployment”, if all went well, you now have a functioning BSA at your fingertips!
general tips: The BSA control console should be reinforced with 2 reinforced walls and a command only-access (or captain-only access) vault airlock with the cover reinforced with plasteel, the way up to the vault airlock itself should have a small hallway lined with reinforced windows and a command only airlock. When fired, the BSA consumes 10Kjoules of power, consuming a normal APC cell instantly, it is advised to replace the APC cell in the room with either a bluespace or a hyper-capacity power cell. As the AI, bolting the airlocks leading up to the control computer and turning off power is a reliable way to stop illicit access. After firing the BSA, lock it by having 2 command members swipe the keycard authentication consoles.
Remember! firing the BSA at the station without good reason will get you in trouble with the admins! doesn’t matter if it wasn’t secured properly, don’t self antag!
TGstation wiki guide for station objectives (it is outdated but still very helpful): Station Goals - /tg/station 13 Wiki