Wasn’t on a Fulp for a very long time.
How is it going out there?
Should I play it again?
Should I make a ban appeal for my discord ban?
good, if you want, if you want. in that order.
its honestly better without you loololololololololollool
server still sucks
spring rolls
Idk i forgot you existed
Wait, what order? “Good, if you want, if you want”… W h a t
Are you undercover John Willard?
Nobody knew I existed
Sarcasm or truth? I’m betting on truth
“How is it going out there?” Good
“Should I play it again?” if you want
“Should I make a ban appeal for my discord ban?” if you want
reading comprehension isnt ss13 player forte
pretty bitchin
pretty good in my experience, but i got in trouble simply just because im myself
pretty dog shit
its pretty fun, lots of new stuff & new people.
Tonnes and tonnes of new people.
Command overall is usually full of new players and I don’t see as many regulars play anymore (may be a GMT issue, I miss Ismael). Over-all worse than it was last year.