Hunman Trap griefing

Byond Account: dr_canes
Character Name(s): Punished Armstrong
Discord Name: showmewhatyougot
Round ID: 31648
Date: 4/6/24
Griefer IC name: venus human trap (237)
Griefer Byond account (if known):

What happened: as Human trap, used OCK that I he would have to welderbomb me to kill me off. No one was using welderbombing on the vines, so there is no ic reason for a human trap to know that welderbombing is a thing. Dude did it twice even after respawning, and gave me a “get owned”. Seemed like a clear mRP violation.

The correct round ID is 31647. The player in this report was permanently banned for an unrelated matter. Thanks for the report!

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