I shouldn't be permabanned because someone griefed on an alt with a similar name to mine

It is trivial to view a list of players on a server. It is also trivial to check each of those accounts a week later on centcomm melonmesa to see which ones are banned. It is furthermore trivial to make a ban evasion alt account using a similar username, and then grief using it, getting the other user banned for ban evasion they did not commit in the process.

Guillaume Prata didn’t seem to understand this in my ban appeal. Not only did he flat out deny the possibility of this occurring, he seemed to think a ban evader would 1. use a similar username when evading and 2. appeal a ban instead of evading. Very confusing.

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Have some gushers


You’re right the only way we can tell if someone is ban evading is by looking up their ckey on melonmesa. literally no other way. You caught us

Have you considered touching grass?


Can I have some please?
