Intern Lawyer Hostage Taker and Random Deathmatch

Byond Account: GaeWizard
Character Name(s): Father Weepus
Discord Name:
Round ID: 32888
Date: 7/24/2024
Griefer IC name: Sharon White
Griefer Byond account (if known):

What happened:

Intern lawyer shows up, immediately gears up with stun batons and handcuffs. Runs up and stuns Chaplain and Scientist. Drags them to brig and bucklecuffs both. Strips both of all items, puts them in prisoner gear, traps them in a room and demands they fight eachother to the death with the winner getting freedom. Neither engage with this bullshit. Keeps demanding it, eventually gets bored and grabs laser guns, kills scientist and targets the head so brain cannot be recovered. Then does the same to the chaplain. Calls them both ‘Fucking freaks’ runs into another part of the station and disconnects.

Dealt with. In the future, please don’t post a grief patrol until the round is over. Thanks for the report!