John Willard - Re-Attempt at mentor

Byond Account: johnwillard
Character Name(s): John Willard
Discord Name: johnfulpwillard
Age: 20
Timezone: EST
Active hours: Whenever I’m online
How long have you played Fulpstation?

What departments are you able to be a mentor for? Can you elaborate on your experience in those departments?
All of them… mostly. I’ve never done circuits, messed with HFR, made a tesla/singulo, but I like to think I am experienced enough at least.

What are some things you’ve noticed as a player on Fulp?

There’s a good influx of new players and I’d like to be able to reply to mentorhelps, I recently checked and saw my previous mentor app was 6 months ago, so thought I should try again.

I’ve had issues in the past, and I understand how shitty I’ve treated some people, I like to think I’ve grown past it and want to make amends where necessary. I mostly just want to be able to help new players in-game better than I can currently.


+1, Willard has a deep connection to space station 13 and fulp would benefit from having someone as knowledgeable as him as a mentor.

+1 consistent member of the community, helpful in #ask-contributors and mentors.

i would have +1 but he plays hoi4


i’m a mentor and i think this guy knows a thing or two about fulpstation +1

+1 knows something i think

+1 literally made like half the fulp code so he knows like everything #johnwillardcodereview

+1 super knowledgable, seems like a decent guy. Also he merged my PR once

+1, is John. John’s good, beat me at chess once for the Spare Cap ID.

How can you call yourself a mentor if you do not know how to host Vicky 2

1 Like

+1 this guy got doxxed on

+2 cool dude
-1 wont play lethal company with me

+1 cool guy, probably knows a bit about ss13

+1 John was THE mentor before I arrived. I need some REAL competition to steal my mhelps

+1 Havent seen John being shitty to others for long time.

-5 i hate this guy so much
+6 i guess he knows about the game a little bit :/

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