Juggernaut (233) prevents cult from removing cult target's brain for most of the shift

Byond Account:mibmob
Character Name(s):Broken Fibula
Discord Name:mt1041
Round ID:27799
Griefer IC name:Juggernaut (233)
Griefer Byond account (if known):SelfishLittleDuckPissbaby

What happened:During a cult round the warden was a target for the cult but was decapped before he could be offered on a circle, therefore needing his head to either be reattached or his brain to be put in a body. Lots of people started calling out that the juggernaut (previously coroner, likely) was griefing by dragging around the head/brain and prolonging the shift/trying to get cultists to fail their objective. In the next round’s OOC the griefer mentions this as well and makes some remarks regarding the situation rather unsavourably.

Horst was also shoving and attacking people randomly, which pretty much made us kill him so he would stop. He also was also one of the main goobers in the grief of 27800

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T.Hanks for the report, the person named in this patrol has already been permabanned for an unrelated matter!