Byond Account: k4rl
Character Name(s): not sure
Discord Name (ie: Name#1234): k4rlox
Round ID of Ban:19180
Ban Message (Gyazo/imgur or copy and paste):
State your appeal: its been 2 years since this ban was applied
i had the friends who started me on ss13 (whom i have blocked due to personal issues a while back) had me get on this server on a vc and guide me on what to choose and what to do, telling me how this server sucks and the admins are assholes, guiding me to commiting mass murder
its been 2 whole years since this incident, i have never properly played on fulp before, i want to deeply apologize for griefing on this server
i really wish for a chance to properly play on this server for once, i was told by other people that this is a really nice server, i really want to give it a proper try