Kevin's Mentor app

Byond Account: Daftfiddle
Character Name(s): Kevin Conner
Discord Name: Greenfire#5755
Age: 23
Timezone: EDT
Active hours: Usually 10 pm to 12 am but it depends on my sleep schedule
Are you interested in becoming a mod?: Maybe.

How long have you played on Fulpstation?
647 hrs living and 341 hrs ghost

What departments are you able to be a mentor for? Can you elaborate on your experience in those departments?

I know how to setup the SM, and I mostly know what to do when it is delaming. I know a tiny bit of atmos but not much.

I know how to do everything but toxins and circuits. and I know how to do gas shell experiments

I am familiar with surgeries, chemistry, virology and have put a good amount of time into MD, CMO, and Chemist.

Familiar with spacelaw and how to not harmbaton people to death for petty theft.

What are some things you’ve noticed as a player on Fulp?
I’ve seen a lot of new players not know where to go for help at times and I enjoy teaching people how to play.
I’ve also noticed that the rules here are much more strict, which I enjoy a lot more than looser rules and I believe it helps with keeping newbies around.



Moth player, pyro main, is Kevin.
but he paypal me 30$ so I will say +1


I have seen you around a lot and you seem to be a great player, I’ve never had any kind of bad interaction with you, this is an easy +1 from me.

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+1 knows engineering and is a nice moth player

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+1 moth player I enjoy interacting with

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idk this guy kinda toxic :/

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wtf exposed

Ray gave this a +1 which is an automatic -1 from me sorry. But I’ll give it another +1 for being a moth main without moff or flutter in the name


+1 a name I recognize. Pretty cool.

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haven’t had to note you on anything so that’s gotta count for something +1

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+1 Kevin knows quite a bit!

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+1 A name I actually recognize and can’t remember any bad interactions with you.


Your app has been accepted! Welcome to the mentor team!